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International Brugse Zot Cup 2024
Sat 10th - Mon 12th August

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The International Brugse Zot Cup 2024 will be sailed again over 3 days.


Brugse Zot pontoon drink on Saturday and Sunday and warm and casual price giving
on Monday.


See Facebook BDA for top dragon sailing pictures by Ricardo Pinto


International Brugse Zot Cup 2023
Sat 5th - Mon 7th August

The International Brugse Zot Cup 2023 will be sailed again over 3 days.


Brugse Zot pontoon drink on Saturday and Sunday

And warm and casual price giving on Monday


See Facebook BDA for nice pictures from Ricardo Pinto



International Brugse Zot Cup 2022
Sat 6th - Sun 7th August

The International Brugse Zot Cup 2022 was sailed in splendid conditions with 14 boats.


Brugse Zot pontoon drink on Saturday with Oysters

And warm and casual price giving on Sunday


See Facebook BDA for nice pictures from Ricardo Pinto


International Brugse Zot Cup 2021

The International Brugse Zot Cup 2021 was sailed in perfect conditions over 3 days in Ostend from Saturday 31th of July until Monday 2nd of August. It was again the perfect Tune-up for our Belgian Open Championship starting Thursday 5th of August


Brugse Zot pontoon drinks each day just after sailing


See our Facebook page for pictures from Ricardo Pinto

International Brugse Zot Cup 2020

The International Brugse Zot Cup 2020 were sailed in delighted conditions in Ostend over 3 days in August from Saturday 8th until Monday 10th.

Take a look at the marvelous photos from Ricardo Pinto

International Brugse Zot Cup 2019

The International Brugse Zot Cup will be raced in Ostend over 3 days in August from Saturday 3th until Monday 5th.

Races starting at 12:00 on Saturday and at 11:00 on Sunday and Monday.
World class sailing photographer Ricardo Pinto will be taking the perfect pictures as always.

After sail Brugse Zot pontoon drinks round 17:00 on Saturday and Sunday.

Saturday evening diner with band in the RNSYC as usual.

So do not hesitate to attend this tune-up event for our Belgian Open Championship Dragon the weekend after.


International Brugse Zot Cup 2018

Event taking place in July in Ostend for three days:

from Saturday 28th 

until Monday 30th


Pontoon drinks on saturday and sunday after racing


Saturday evening diner and party ...



International Brugse Zot Cup 2017

Thanks to DENK!

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